Thursday, July 31, 2008

39 Week Doctor's Appointment

No surprise based on past performance, but I'm 6cm dilated and still walking around! This baby has a mind of it's own and it's probably only an indication of things to come!

Some questions I've received:
Is this normal?
No, this is not normal, especially for a first pregnancy.

Is my doctor concerned?
No, my doctor is not concerned, but only because I was hooked up to continuous monitoring for over an hour this week and the baby's movement and heart rate are perfectly normal. The baby is under no stress. As long as the baby doesn't show any signs of stress, my doctor is ok with not intervening.

What precautions do I need to take when trying to determine when active labor actually begins?
Rather than applying the 5-1-1 rule (contractions 5 minutes apart, lasting one minute long, and occuring for one hour), my doctor wants me to call and come into the hospital when contractions are 10 to 15 minutes apart and the last one was stronger than the one before it.

I cannot explain how or why I've made it to 6cm without any significant pain. I can certainly feel contractions, but it's a tightening feeling with a side of menstrual cramps. It's nothing like you see on television where the women are screaming and panting.

My doctor is confident that this baby is coming soon - as in before my next appointment which is Wednesday August 6th. Let's hope she's right!


Michelle said...

So exciting! I want daily updates!!!

Anonymous said...

That is so exciting Christie!! I'll be thinking of you.

Amy said...

Are you kidding me??? 6 cm!! Girl, you better get to the hospital when you have any different feelings!! You only have 4 cm to go and you aren't even in "active labor"!!! I will be praying for a quick and easy labor. I know you will do awesome and that precious baby will be perfect! Love ya!!

Cheryl said...

I am so amazed by you. I'm hoping when active labor starts it won't last very long since you've already progressed so much. I can't wait to hear the news the baby has arrived and see some adorable pictures.

Donna V said...

Wow!! That really is amazing. I'll be thinking about you and wishing you and the baby all the best. Can't wait to hear the big news!

Ashlee said...

Still no baby?!? I keep checking your blog expecting to see an update. Can't wait until he/she gets here!

The Girly Girls said...

You get to the hospital as soon as you feel a real labor contraction! Since you have been having relatively painless contractions already, you will know when you get a real one. You do not need to have a baby in the car! Hopefully being so dilated already will be helpful in having a natural labor! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Have we not heard from you because the baby has arrived?!?! I'm dying for an update!

Christie & Roger said...

No outside baby yet! I'm trying to make the most of the quiet time! Hopefully I'll have an update tomorrow after my appointment. They may want to schedule a non-stress test or a growth ultrasound since I'll officially be late tomorrow.