Sunday, October 26, 2008

Good News and Bad News

First, the bad news - After another round of blood work, we have been told that we have to switch Lillie to 100% soy formula.  The galactose is building up much faster in her system than what the doctors can understand.  She'll have more blood work done on November 6th to see how the soy is affecting the numbers.  They like to see the galactose-1 phosphate level (what they are testing for) stay under 1 and she is up to 9.6, up from 5 a few weeks ago.  These numbers don't mean a lot to me, but if the healthy range is 0 to 1 and she's at a 9.6, it sounds like we need to be doing something differently, hence the change to all soy.  I have decided to continue pumping in the off chance that she will be able to bf again.  In the mean time, I'll be donating the milk to local collection efforts here since it accumulates really quickly when your baby isn't drinking it!

And onto the good news - Lillie is sleeping through the night!  It started about 10 nights ago.  She had been stuck on a 6 hour stretch (which, by the way, I do NOT consider sleeping through the night since I need a full 8 hours myself!) for a few weeks when all of a sudden she started sleeping 8 hours, then 9 hours, then 10 hours, and now she averages between 11 and 12 hours at a stretch.  She goes to bed around 7:30 pm and wakes about the same time the next morning!

More pictures coming soon!


Amy said...

Christie- I am so sorry for the blood results. Way to go with still pumping. That was my least favorite part of nursing. Hopefully next month it will be in normal range. I'll keep her and you in my prayers.

Way to go Lillie on sleeping through the night! What a big girl! I'm sure you are totally loving that. You are passing the sleep deprived stage... until she's sick... or teething... or going through a growth spurt... :)

The Girly Girls said...

I bet you feel like a new woman with all that great sleeping! I hope soy formula does the trick!