Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Week 25 Doctor's Appointment
So, on to the stats. I'm measuring (literally, they measure you with a tape measure in centimeters and that number should agree with how far along you are in weeks) 24.5 to 25 weeks which is on track. We tried to count the heartbeat but the baby was rolling and moving all around and she that she couldn't get an exact count, but that it sounded in the 140 to 150 range.
Weight gain to date - 11 pounds
I'll post updated belly pictures soon!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Things they don't tell you when you get pregnant...
This may have been tmi (especially for all the non pregnant ladies) but I just find it so interesting how just about every aspect of your body changes to accomodate another life growing inside!
Monday, April 7, 2008
23 week belly
I'm up 11 pounds total and don't see an end in sight. I seem to be following the standard of 1 pound per week after twenty weeks. I have 17 more weeks to go and hopefully only 17 more pounds to gain! For the first time, a friend this week told me that at least now I look pregnant and not just that I had put on a few pounds! I guess that's a good thing :)
Thursday, April 3, 2008
20 week ultrasound short video
This was the only way I could share the video. The original video is 14 minutes long and too large to upload to blogger or photobucket. I cropped the video with a software that I have on my computer, but then I wasn't able to save it as a file that was supported by the above mentioned outlets. The only way to share the cropped video is to host it through the software's sharing website. I don't intend for you to have to download anything to be able to watch this video so my feelings won't be hurt if it asks you to and you decline!
The voice you hear on the ultrasound (other than the doctor explaining what things are) is my sister! She was narrating the ultrasound and asking more questions that me! The video is about 2 minutes long and when the doctor gets down into the pelvic/leg area, even I have a very difficult time making the parts out and it starts to look like a big moving blur!