Tuesday, January 22, 2008

12 week appointment

I'm movin' on up! I know this won't sound like a big deal, but I was supposed to be at 11w6d based on my first ultrasound and the baby measured at 12w4d, a full 5 days ahead! My new due date is August 1st! The ultrasound was a traditional "belly" ultrasound and because I'm not *that* far along, the pictures aren't nearly as clear as my first ultrasound, which was an internal one. The heartbeat was still strong at 155bpm. The heart rate peaks around week 10 and then levels out to somewhere around 140bpm by 15 weeks.
I'm going to explain these pictures because, admitedly, it's very hard to tell what's going on here! The first two pictures are looking down on the baby from above. Imagine standing above someone and looking down so that you see the top of their head and maybe some arms sticking out to the sides. If the person was seated, you'd also see the top of their legs and maybe their feet.
The first one shows a picture of the top of the head and the right arm, bent at the elbow.

This picture was my favorite for some reason. It shows the top of the baby's head and you can see it's legs crossed at the ankles! It's arms (which are very hard to make out) are up on each side of it's head - kind of like it's camera shy!The last picture is a profile picture and it's just really hard to see what's going on here! Everything is labeled and while it was clearer on the screen, both Roger and I had a hard time making everything out!

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