Saturday, May 31, 2008

Our Birth Plan

For any other expecting moms out there, you may be wondering what to include on your birth plan. I found a great website that lets you create your own simply by reading through their suggestions and checking the box next to an item that fits your wishes. I had never heard of birth plans before getting pregnant, but it's basically a list of requests that lets your nurses understand your desires during labor, delivery, and the care of your newborn.

Roger and I created ours a few days ago. I realize that this plan would not be suitable for everyone, but this would be our ideal labor and delivery. Let's face it though, I've never done this before and there comes a point when pain becomes more than pain, it becomes suffering. At that point, I'll ask for interventions.


I wish to be able to move around and change position at will throughout labor, including laboring in a tub.

I would prefer to keep the number of vaginal exams to a minimum.

I do not want an IV unless I become dehydrated.

I do not wish to have continuous fetal monitoring unless it is required by the condition of the baby. When intermittent monitoring is necessary, I wish to have a telemetry monitor.

I do not wish to have the amniotic membrane ruptured artificially unless signs of fetal distress require internal monitoring.

I realize that many pain medications exist I'll ask for them if I need them.

I would prefer not to have an episiotomy unless absolutely required for the baby's safety.


I would like to try to deliver on my side or in a squatting position, using a squatting bar for support.

I would like a mirror available so I can see the baby's head when it crowns.

I would like to have the baby placed on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery.

Newborn Care

I would like to have Roger cut the cord.

I would like to have the baby evaluated and bathed in my presence.

I would like to donate the umbilical cord blood.


Anonymous said...

This sounds awesome. I'm curious to know what your dr thinks about this since she's in my dr's group.


Christie & Roger said...

All of my requests are in line with what most doctors and hospitals would feel comfortable with. The issue is whether or not the patient knows to ask for these things. My doctor is ok with me not having an IV, but she will have a saline lock put in place that would allow me to receive drugs/medications quickly in the event of an emergency. Laboring in a tub is fine, but not delivering in a tub. Things like limited pelvic exams is something you ask of the hospital staff (you don't have to have one every time they offer one since it can be depressing if you haven't made as much progress as they hoped you would). I'll have one when I get to the hospital and then I'll listen to my body's cues as I'm going through labor. If you're going naturally, there are (should be) changes in your body that will tell you about how far along you are.

The only specific request that I haven't discussed with my doctor (appointment is tomorrow) is the delivery position. I know most doctors don't have any issue with squatting or laying on your side (the hospital provides a squatting bar in the room for goodness sakes!) but I do need to make sure she's ok with it.

Going intervention free was a big reason as to why I chose my doctor. She's very comfortable with the process.

Jenny said...

Are you SURE you don't need the papason?

Christie & Roger said...

I guess I can't be 100% sure so you may get a call at 3am from me looking for the papasan!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you and any mommy that takes labor into their own hands!! See you soon:o)